The New Distro Of Ubuntu!

Author: Anthony

I'm currently running a beta version and so far it is great... I would say we have about 15 days to go until this distro is fully released. I'm very excited and am trying to promote this a lot. I hope to get on a hardy heron theme/design and submit it on ubuntu's main page for getting involed. I hope you will enjoy this and consider running a live cd and trying it out or even installing. It is a great free os (operating system) much like windows or mac osx. But it is free and comes loaded with great open source software. The only downside is, is that there is no company to call if the programs don't work and for some people it may be a little tricky to use because it some cases it is considered advanced stuff. But they're are all kinds of forums on the web you can go to, and you can get help on certain problem you may have or any other question for that matter. A lot of the people would gladly help you.


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